If you are not aware of the times when you are consuming the most energy, peak energy use might increase your monthly costs. Developing a well-thought-out peak mitigation plan may lower your company's operating expenses, resulting in savings, and lessen your carbon impact. This is where the expertise of an energy consultant comes in.
Many power suppliers have introduced pricing schemes to assist in controlling the stress on their systems as they strive to maintain a balance between supply and demand worldwide. Telecom operators need to be aware of and understand these regulations since they are used as levers to reward users for balancing their grid by postponing (or shifting) their power usage.
Peak Shaving is a helpful tactic for dealing with this erratic operational expense. Operators can lessen the draw on the grid during peak hours by using an integrated energy control center that can remotely shift the principal power source. Operators switch to battery power or other energy sources via Peak Shaving, such as generators or fuel cells.
Benefits of Peak Shaving
For instance, several initiatives in the New York area encourage the management of peak demand. Participants in the NYISO Special Case Resources (SCR) Program are compensated for lowering their electricity usage during the hottest summer days and the coldest winter days.
Each customer's needs must be considered when determining how much energy or demand to off-grid at that period. By examining your electricity usage on the warmest days of the Summer before, your baseline is established. The Load Relief Program (LRP) and Commercial System Relief Program (CSRP) and Distribution are two initiatives that Con Edison offers. Both of these tools use the previous two weeks' energy usage to establish the baseline energy use for your facility.
Ensure Power is Not Lost During Peak Hours
Through "installed capacity requirements," the FERC and NYISO guarantee that there is the sufficient generating capacity to satisfy peak demand and that the functioning of the electricity system will be dependable over the long term.
To do this, each customer must reserve a share of the generating capacity of the local power plants, thus paying the generators to reserve the capacity to provide electricity during times of high demand. The majority of clients don't constantly meet their peak demand. In the worst-case situation, this installed capacity requirement is supposed to stop this from happening.
Energy Consultant In NYC
Every month your energy bill arrives, you decide that you need to start paying more attention, which isn't the easiest thing for a business. Since hiring a full-time energy manager can be costly, hiring an energy consultant may be the answer.
Jim Slattery of Slattery Energy is an experienced energy consultant who can audit your utility bills and identify areas where you can reduce energy consumption and save money on your monthly bills.