Are you looking to acquire, consume, and monitor energy for your organization in a way that’s feasible for both your budget and the environment? If you answered yes, an experienced energy consultant should be an invaluable extension to your organization. In this guide, you’ll learn what to look for when finding an energy consultant in New York City.
Certifications and Licenses
The qualifications of top energy consultants speak for themselves. After years of experience and training, they know how important licensing and certifications are. You don’t want to rely on someone who lacks the necessary expertise.
Their Past Service Record
There are many energy consultants who’ve spent decades in the industry building their expertise and perfecting their craft in negotiating and acquiring natural gas prices.
As due diligence on your part, however, it is always a good idea to request evidence of their success stories to ensure that they’re knowledgeable and will genuinely help to lower your energy bills.
For example, if they propose natural gas procurement solutions to a client that proved to be an energy-efficient breakthrough in the past, ask for supporting documents. If possible, try to get in touch with their past customers and obtain feedback about their experience.
Partnerships And Advice In The Industry
The best energy consultants offer advice that proves most beneficial to you. When recommending solutions, they’ll prioritize your interests over everything else, including their own.
Additionally, many consultants partner with energy suppliers and other resources in the industry to provide competitively priced services. Companies with decades of experience with have the relationships in the industry needed to work with you on natural gas procurement, pricing, and providing energy efficient upgrades to your properties if needed.
Upfront about Services
Beware of consultants that act as a project manager who want to implement their strategies. A good consultant will begin with an audit, identify ways for you to save energy, and help you secure lower rates. They’ll provide you with a list of services and beneficial changes beforehand that you can use to plan accordingly.
Energy Consultants In New York, NY
If your organization is struggling to manage energy consumption and the associated costs , it’s time to outsource your energy management. With an in-depth understanding of the complexities of the energy sector, an experienced consultant will closely examine your energy needs and provide solutions accordingly.
Whether you’re looking for NYC gas consulting or high-quality energy consultancy services, reach out to Slattery Energy. Owned by Jim Slattery, the consultancy firm has helped countless property owners improve their energy consumption and management.